⛓️🩸Hispanic neurodivergent artist🩸⛓️

Maxwell @gr1mxg0re

Age 19, He/them

Joined on 4/22/21

Exp Points:
762 / 900
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.10 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1m 1d

gr1mxg0re's News

Posted by gr1mxg0re - July 6th, 2024

Hello, everyone! I know it's been a long time since I last wrote something. A lot has happened; both good and bad. But, mostly good. For example, I'm way more motivated to draw more, but more importantly, I finally made a Toy House account! If you have Toy House, consider following me and check out my characters!

NOTE: Some stuff like character bios are a W.I.P. You will encounter unfinish stuff.

Here it is... my Toy House!!!

Oh! And one more thing too...

I was thinking that later on, when I have some money, I could open up an Etsy shop and sell some goodies like prints, stickers, pin, charms, and so much more. So, stay tooned on that!

That's about I can think about. Can't wait what the future holds for me and my art!


Posted by gr1mxg0re - June 26th, 2023

Hey, Maxwell here. I would like to update y'all on what's going on and why I haven't been drawing a lot. The reason is due to me struggling with personal stuff such as my mental health. I hope that you all understand that there's most likely not gonna be a whole lot of art, but who knows? Maybe after this blog post, I might draw something later. I honestly don't know what the future holds. I would love to draw again sometime, but I gotta take care of myself first. Plus, I might get a job and work as a barista. I just got done with the interview and I really hope that I get the job since I've haven't had one since last October. Wish me luck on that one. I've also been getting into lots of things such as Digimon, Shovelware's Brain Game, and even currently getting into the object show rabbit hole. Again, I would love to draw the those stuff I just mentioned along with a few original stuff here and there again. That's about all I could think of that's going on. I may not be active here, but I'm always active on Twitter and on TikTok. Stay safe. This is MG0re signing off.


Posted by gr1mxg0re - June 10th, 2022

Hello. So Pico Day is coming up and I don't think that I could make anything for this year. A lot is happening in life. I'm planning on getting a job and all that stuff. That doesn't mean that I won't be there. I will. I will be on Newgrounds on Pico Day, but just simply enjoying other people's creations. I hope that y'all understand. Stay safe :)


Posted by gr1mxg0re - August 10th, 2021

Hello! Today is my 16th birthday! Cannot believe that I'm already 16 years old. It's crazy how fast we grow. Anyway, here's some updates. I'll go back to school probably between 1-2 week(s). This means that I'll probably post less. Plus, I'll be a bit more busy with some projects that I'll be announcing soon. That's really it. Stay safe!!



Posted by gr1mxg0re - April 22nd, 2021

Hey! About time I made a Newgrounds account lol. I've actually have been here since December, but just now made an account. I'll soon be uploading an art piece that I made on February that I'm still proud of. Hope that I have a good time here!! Oh! One more thing too. If you want, you could tell me a few tips on this cool website. Stay safe!!!